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Have you ever climbed a mountain?

Of course you have!

Life is all about mountain climbs. It may not have been a physical, rocky lump but I’ve no doubt you’ve been up and down several metaphorical peaks.

You may know I’m a bit of a mountain lover, so here I share how one of my mountain experiences helped and continues to help me grow in my walk with Christ. And I pray it helps you too…

Many moons ago, as a fresh-faced 18 year old I did my first three-peaks challenge (climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon in 24 hours).

Long story short, the first two peaks were awesome, but then came Snowdon. It was dark, cold, I was knackered and thinking, “Really? I’m doing this for fun?”

I can’t deny it was a beautiful night with a full moon to light our path, but we’d already had one person drop off due to illness. Was I going to make it or not?

The first section was easy – a gentle upward stroll along the Miners Track to Glaslyn. We then commenced the zig-zagging climb up to meet the Pyg Track to the top. Slowly does it, a few metres this way, and turn. Back that way and turn. The other way, and turn… And breathe… gasp… I can’t breathe… What’s happening…? Panic… Help…!

But then two of my friends noticed, “Sit down, focus on me. Count your breaths.” And slowly, the panic subsided. I saw the moon glinting off the lake, twinkling as if to say, “It’s okay, you can do it.” My breathing returned to normal, and my friends walked beside me the rest of the way.

At the top of the zig-zags everyone else was waiting. Whoop! Now I knew I could reach the summit. My friends never left my side. They encouraged me all the way, walking at my pace. Stopping when necessary and feeding me with chocolate regularly. So I made it.

We all made it 😊

At that time I didn’t know Jesus. I hadn’t developed a close relationship with him. But now I do, and I know walking with the Lord is a lot like that mountain climb. Jesus never leaves us (Deut 31:8), the Holy Spirit is within us (1 Cor 6:19), and He constantly cheers us on. Through good and bad as well as the mundane.

Although it certainly wasn’t mundane for me that morning…

We had made it! With a couple of hours to spare. “Hmm. Plenty of time to run down the mountain and find the minibus before time’s up, right? Who’s with me?”

So, energised by our achievement, to the backdrop of a glorious sunrise streaking across the Welsh sky, three of us ran! Yep, in full hiking gear we sped down the mountain. Laughing, chatting, watching the morning light spill out across water, illuminating our lives.

And that’s what Jesus and the Holy Spirit can do for you.

When life gets tough, He is always there. You will reach the heights because He cares for you:

“I lift up my eyes to the hills – where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of Heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip – He who watches over you will not slumber”

– Psalm 121:1-3 (NIV)

God bless xx


Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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