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Have you ever been faced with something impossible?

I have. Many times. There was…

  • The broken bridge over a raging torrent in the middle of nowhere with no other way across. And a group of novice walkers to keep calm.
  • The time mist closed in when I was alone and, despite lots of navigation experience, the feeling I’d be lost forever on a Scottish moor.
  • The walking trip where I found myself stuck on a narrow path with a sheer drop one side and a cliff on the other. There was no way I could climb back the way I’d come and it looked too scary to go forwards. Eek!

Now none of these were truly impossible situations. In each case I was able to stop, think and get around the problem…

  • We decided to cross the river upstream where the water was calmer, only knee deep and paddling was safe. Sure, we had to make a massive detour and got cold, wet feet (it was mid-winter!) but we made it. Still smiling.
  • In the mist I sat down briefly, ate a snack and reminded myself I had the skills to navigate off the hill. And I’d done it successfully many times before in worse situations.
  • On the narrow path my friends and I talked, calmed each other down and helped one another to the end.

But I did all this in my own strength.

Yes, I was able to stop, think and execute a plan. But wouldn’t it have been better if I’d called on Jesus instead? To stop, PRAY, think and execute THE WISEST PLAN.

Would I still have panicked at the broken bridge? Would I have felt scared and disoriented in the mist? Would I have felt fear on the narrow path?

While praying (talking with Jesus) won’t always dispel our difficult feelings or remove challenging circumstances, God can make the impossible possible:

“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”” – Matt 17:26 (NIV)

It’s often only when we’re faced with something truly inconceivable (not just a broken bridge you can walk around) that God acts. When there’s no choice but to rely on Him.

And coming to Him, asking for help, delighting in Him, shouldn’t be the last thing we do:

“God will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the kingdom of God your primary concern” – Matt 6:33 (NLT)

So let’s surrender everything to Him.

When you do you’ll soar on wings like eagles (Is 40:31). There’ll be no need for a dodgy bridge diversion, no reason to feel disoriented, no fear to paralyse – because you’ll be flying!

No impossible situation can hold you back when you get close to Jesus 😁

God bless xx

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Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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