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Don’t you just love it midwinter when you get one of those golden days? Where after all the darkness, wind and cold rain the sun rises on a crisp, cloudless morning? Everything sparkles, your spirit soars and the world feels good.

Gold, just like one of those precious winter days, is a gift. As the wise men gave 2000 years ago (Luke 2:1-7) I give you three properties of gold. I pray they help you experience deep joy yourself so you can share it this Christmas…

1. Gold is shiny and reflective

Did you know, gold is so shiny and reflective that it’s used on on astronauts space helmets to protect their eyes? A thin coating of the metal reflects the sun’s intense light away so the astronauts stay safe.

You can be like their visors.

As followers of Christ we’re called to shine out God’s light into the world. To reflect His glory so that others will see and can choose to experience the joy of knowing Jesus for themselves. When you let Christ into your heart it’s as if you become that light yourself:

“Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” – Matt 5:16 (NIV)

But where the astronaut’s visor reflects the sun’s light, you’ll reflect the Son’s light. Jesus will bounce off you ready for others to receive.

2. Gold is valuable

Jewellers value gold highly as it can be embossed, hammered, cast, stretched or twisted into the finest treasures. It can be drawn out into the tiniest thread or flattened into highly prized and decorative gold leaf.

In the Bible gold was used in important objects like the tabernacle (Exodus 25:8, 11-13) or in Solomon’s Temple (1 Kings 6: 21-35). The lampstands, utensils, basins, cups, cherubs, the alter of incense etc were all golden and the place glittered and gleamed.

And you are valuable too. As gold is refined in the fire, prepared so it’s ready to display even greater beauty, you can show God’s value to others. When you open yourself to being changed by God (refined), as you give yourself to Him, you become more Christ-like and His beauty will shine from you:

“Arise, shine… the glory of the Lord rises upon you.” – Isaiah 60:1 (NIV)

What a way to attract people and spread His joy!

3. Gold is rare and precious

Owning gold has also been compared to acquiring knowledge, wisdom and faith. But like gold, these things are rare and precious.

When you go through the refiners fire (e.g. Job 23:10b), as you allow Him to mold you and purify you, you’ll grow even more like the precious child of God you already are. Then be ready to do his will:

“…I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.'” – Zech 13:9 (NIV)

As you share your true knowledge, wisdom, and faith with others, your joy will flow out to be caught and passed on.

Christmas day: a glowing dawn as the King is born

This Christmas, do stop and remember how two millennia ago a tiny baby was born. Destined to be our King for all eternity.

Like the gold presented to Him on that glowing dawn (note: the Latin word for gold – ‘aurum’ – means glowing dawn) you are precious and bring joy to the world.

So when the next golden day comes don’t forget …

  • You reflect His light and show His beauty
  • You attract others to want to know Him

And now, have a fantastic Christmas full of light, peace and joy 😊

God bless xx

And just for a laugh, something refined for your Christmas crackers…

  • What did the baby find at the end of the rainbow? (A potty gold)
  • What did the gold collector bake for dessert? (Karat cake)
  • Why did they build a castle for the pile of gold? (Because it’s a noble metal)
  • How is gold like an undercooked steak? (They’re both rare)
  • Why did the robber break into the canoe store? (He heard that gold is found in ores)

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Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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