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Life. It’s not always easy. And even if it is at the moment you can be sure the challenges will come.

Your life’s path may be scary at times. You may lose focus on what’s important and stray in the wrong direction. But with Christ as your guide you’ll make it.

In this post I share some of my mountain experiences highlighting how you can do life with a smile on your face. And genuinely feel positive too…

1. The Dolomites – when the path gets scary and you don’t think you’ll make it

It was a beautiful autumn day in the Italian Dolomites. We were all full of pizza and ready to take on the red (challenging) path. Half an hour later on a route that was 1.5 feet wide, with a huge drop one side, a solid cliff the other, no way of turning round and a scary scramble ahead. What were we going to do? We’d already walked some red paths without any issues, so what was going on here?

Hmm… European maps, that’s what.

You may not know (if you’ve only used Ordnance Survey maps before) just how amazing British cartography is. Nothing in the world compares as far as I’m aware, and boy did we know it that knee-knocking moment in Italy.

Without an accurate map we’d got into an extremely scary situation.

And it’s not just in the mountains you need an accurate map, it’s true of life too. To get through these sometimes ‘impossible’ situations, you need the right guide.

So how about the Bible folks? By getting into the Word of God you’ll find what you need to navigate life:

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Ps 119:105 (NIV)

And if you can memorise some scriptures it will help too as this means you’ll never be without a word from God when you need it. Or you could put a few verses in your pocket so you’re always ready for those scary situations.

2. Glencoe – when you lose focus and nearly fall off the mountain

Another glorious day, this time in the Scottish Highlands and I nearly led my walking group down a scree slope! Oops. Problem was, it looked like a proper path and the weather was so amazing we were all gawping at the views instead of checking the map.

Fortunately in this case we were all fine. Years of experience, and gut feeling perhaps, told me the route didn’t look quite right so I was cautious and checked the top section of the path before leading the group down. Result? Not that way thanks. And after some quality map reading we found the right path.

This situation just shows how even when you’re experienced you can lose it if you’re not careful.

And that’s true in life too.

To do life well I say fix your eyes on Jesus so you don’t stray off your path (Heb 12:2). And with Christ walking with you there’s no need to fear:

“…for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.” – Deut 31:8 (NLT)

Although you’re unlikely to sail through everything in life, when you look to Him for help He’ll guide you gently in the right direction and you’ll not end up sliding 100s of feet down a scree slope.

3. The Pennine Way – when your guidebook is amazing and you make it joyfully to the end

2016, and I was finally walking the Pennine Way. I’d not done much long distance walking before and wasn’t sure about relying on a guidebook. It had been drummed into me when I was young that you never go walking in the hills without a map and compass.* But, for the sake of a lighter rucksack I did leave the maps behind.

And you know what? Previous walkers were right – there was no need for big maps weighing me down. My guidebook had excellent decriptions of the route and included relevant slivers of OS maps too. These clear explanations were enough. My guidebook was excellent. And I arrived at the end full of joy at my achievement.

Life is often like this. Even if you don’t have the full picture about your situation, you can trust your spiritual guidebook – Jesus. I believe you’ll find the best route when you spend time getting to know Him, read the Word regularly, and allow the Holy Spirit to infuse your very being.

Following Him isn’t always the easiest option:

“You can enter God’s kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose that way. But the gateway to life is very narrow and the road is difficult, and only a few ever find it.” – Matt 7:13-14 (NLT)

But it is the best way.

And with Christ’s help you’ll make it to the end, bouncing, a bit like me at the end of the Pennine Way!

So, if you think you can’t make it through life at times, or lose focus and stray from the right path, look to God for guidance. With an accurate map (the Word of God) and by fixing your eyes on Jesus (the best guide), you can do it! As the paslmist says:

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” – Ps 16:11 (NIV)

I pray you’re able to skip along your path today filled to the brim with joy and the confidence that He’s always with you.

God bless xx


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*And I stick by that rule. GPS is helpful, but what if it goes wrong? Guidebooks are useful, but if in doubt map and compass are always best. I believe you should NEVER go into the mountains without an OS map unless like me, you have a guidebook which includes the necessary segments of map.


Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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