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Have you ever found a fossil?

What a privilege to hold something so ancient, something no other human has ever seen before in your hands. When I unearthed loads of fossil progymnosperms (ancient plants ancestral to modern day seed-bearing plants) as part of my PhD, I couldn’t believe how well preserved their leaves were. How their branches had been held fast in that rock for millions of years to be seen first by my eyes. How even the spores could be found amongst the rock-encased foliage. Wow!

I’m constantly astounded by new fossil finds, the insight it gives us into God’s Creation and his mighty power. Which got me thinking…

Did God want us to make these discoveries? Did he purposely let His Creation become fossilised then preserved for millions of years so that we’d find them one day?

I believe so.

It speaks to me of his great love for us that He wants to share all He’s made with us. He created us to enjoy Him, and this is one way we can do that.

What fossils have you found? How do they speak to you about God’s creation? What has He said to you through it?

Do comment and share pics below. Trust me, I’m already bouncing in anticipation…

[And if you’re a fossil geek like me and want to know more about the progymnosperms:,]



Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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