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Leaves. They are beautiful.

Especially as the season turns and there’s colour everywhere.

It’s one of my favourite things about autumn. While spring leaves are mainly a fresh light green and summer ones a darker hue of the same, in autumn there are browns, reds, yellows and gold decorating the branches and dancing through the air as they fall.

What an inspiration.

When they drop why not walk or run at speed through them, especially on a frosty morning when they crinkle and crunch beneath your boots. Isn’t it delightful how even the most solemn of people can turn into giddy, exuberant souls when faced with a pile of leaves? Do connect to your inner child and stamp up and down in them spraying them far and wide.

As the nights draw in you could get crafty with leaves too. I love bringing nature inside, especially in the darker months – why not create some leaf inspired decorations or try pressing some leaves and making cards from them.

You could also take photos to use in your creations or make a video from your pics to watch regularly throughout the winter. This kind of thing is great to lift your spirits and reminds us of all of the great wide world out there.

God’s beautiful, colourful world.

While the seasons do change and the leaves do fall, it’s not over yet. Nothing is ever over with God. As the leaves decay over winter, they nourish the ground ready for spring growth, and that’s just what our Father does for us. There is always spring growth to come.

So take heart, enjoy the colour of the season knowing God’s always at work whatever the season of your life.

God bless xx

And just for your enjoyment, some more pretty leaf pics…


Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name


  • Julie says:

    I love Autumn and the gloriously colourful leaves !!! (Great pics btw). I once collected a stack and sewed them onto an old jumper and tracky bottoms, so that my son could goto the primary school Halloween party as “a fall of leaves” He didn’t win a prize sadly. Obviously too wholesome a fancy dress for the ‘spooky’ season!

    • Susan says:

      That’s brilliant! I love wholesome fancy dress. Mind you, he perhaps could have turned in to something spooky if he wore the costume too long and it decayed!!

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