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Mushroom Rock, Brimham - moulded by GodA friend mentioned to me the other day how obsidian (a volcanic rock) is formed under intense heat and pressure. And it got me thinking… This rock is beautiful but would it be so pretty if it weren’t for the heat and pressure it had faced?

And it can be like that for us too. Without challenges in our lives we may not become as beautiful as we were made to be.

In this post I explain, using rocks, how a life infused by the Holy Spirit, walked closely with Jesus and dependent on God, will help you develop beauty both inside and out. Let God mould you as he moulded the rocks…

Let God mould you like…

1. Obsidian

ObsidianObsidian is a glassy volcanic rock, typically black in colour. But you do get red and brown varieties and sometimes tiny, trapped bubbles create a golden sheen (ooh… pretty…). The Snowflake Obsidian’s ‘snowflakes’ (see pic) are made of  cristobalite needles (a type of quartz).

The rock is formed when, under high heat and pressure at great depth, felsic lava (a melt with high silica content) is pushed to the surface and erupts. The lower pressure at the surface means water can escape rapidly and this increases the viscosity (or gloopiness) of the melt. It’s the gloopiness that prevents big crystals forming and the lava solidifies into glass.

As obsidian needs intense heat and pressure to create its attractive glassiness, we need an intensely close relationship with God if we’re to fulfil our potential. Being close to God can help you deal with life’s pressures and completely transform you.

Some benefits of a close relationship with God include:

  • Experiencing His peace (Phil 4:6-7)
  • Freedom from fear, pain and emotional baggage (Matt 11:28-30)
  • Clarity of mind so you can pursue your purpose and intimacy with God (Jas 1:5)
  • Assurance He will guide you in difficult times and provide for all your needs (Is 58:11)
  • Comfort in all your pain (2 Cor 1:3-4)

2. Konservat Lagerstatten

Konservat Lagerstatte, Mazon CreekKonservat Lagerstatten are exceptionally preserved fossil assemblages containing fossils with their soft parts intact. Flowers have been captured in full bloom and some amber-entombed insects still have their tiny, delicate hairs. The leaf in the picture comes from Mazon Creek, Illinois, and when I cracked open the nodule and found it I was practically cartwheeling for joy! It may not quite be the Tully Monster, but I was happy 😁

But how are these fossils preserved in such detail?

Well, it normally happens during unusual environmental conditions or because of a catastrophe. Often a plant or animal’s burial place lacked oxygen or was very salty meaning scavengers and decomposers couldn’t survive. They then couldn’t get to work destroying the soft parts of the organism and the body would have lain untouched for millions of years: leaves left uncrumbled, hairs and feathers still connected, skin deterioratied to a carbon film leaving a perfect outline of the original animal, etc.

Like the scavengers couldn’t survive without oxygen, we can’t either. But even in difficult times God’s breath of life – the Holy Spirit – is available to us (Gen 2:7, Jn 20:21-22). As Job said when he was facing many trials:

“The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.” – Job 33:4 (NLT)

3. Desert Rose

Desert RoseDesert Rose is the colloquial name for rose-like formations of crystal clusters of gypsum or baryte which include lots of sand grains (see pic).

They form in arid environments as water containing dissolved calcium sulphate enters a basin then evaporates leaving beautiful crystals behind. As they only take 10s-100s of years to form they’re abundant world wide, but that doesn’t make them any less stunning.

Life sometimes feels like an arid desert. One day you’re managing fine with a regular supply of water coming in but then everything hots up and it starts to evaporate away.

But that’s when you become a beautiful Desert Rose.

Your sparkling crystals materialise and people see your true beauty emerge.

To keep thriving, do drink from the well of Jesus’ living water (Is 12:3). As you tap into Him regularly, even when dry times come, you’ll have an endless supply of calcium sulphate (His life):

“The water I give [you]… becomes a perpetual spring within… giving [you] eternal life.” – John 4:14 (NLT)


These three rocks are all beautiful. And they wouldn’t have formed this way without challenging conditions.

The same is true for you…

  • Sometimes the heat is on in your life and the pressure of all that’s happening can feel overwhelming. But when you draw close to God in intimate relationship He’ll help you stand firm
  • You may feel like you can’t breathe in certain situations. But the Holy Spirit will guide you through step by step until you can breathe easy again
  • Or perhaps you feel dried up, parched, thirsty. Then drink! Jesus’ living water will give you stamina and endurance. The ability to keep going no matter what

And the result?

A stronger, more resilient you. A calmer, more peaceful you.

People will notice how you don’t crumble under pressure and maintain a sense of tranquility even during the most devastating storms. These are attractive characteristics to those who don’t have them. True beauty shining out.

So next time you’re having a hard time, think of the rocks! Whichever type you need, let God mould you. Jesus is always the foundation stone and you can rely on Him.

God bless xx


Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name


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