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God of the impossible: a rock floating mid-airThis time last year I wrote about the role of hope in climbing a mountain – both metaphorical and real. I still haven’t climbed a physical one since 2016 because of CFS/ME (small hills don’t count), but things are getting better. My walking boots are even on display to remind me of God’s promise that I will get there. That He is the God of the impossible.

That said, 2022 has been an incredible turning point.

And that’s what I’m going to share with you here – the impossible has happened for me and it can happen for you too.

The God of the impossible as been at work. Here’s how…

I praised the Lord and He broke through

Over the last 12 months God has been at work in my life. I started the year with no job and no idea how I’d get one in my circumstances. I was seriously wondering, “Why am I closing my copywriting business? Is it really your guidance Lord?”

But then, I heard this song from Living Rock Worship

Verse one says:

“Sovereign God high over all

Ever present and eternal

Holy, righteous, just and true

Though words may fail we won’t stop praising You

For You are the one who died that we might live

With this confidence…”

I trusted and praised. He is the God over everything. He can do anything He wants including help me overcome my barriers. I sang my heart out, jumped around and worshipped Him. The tears flowed as these words of truth began to penetrate my heart:

“You’re the God of the impossible, woah-oh-oh… You’re the God who’s in control…”

As I sang, I realised I already believed the words of verse two:

“In every season You are good

Through highs and lows we know Your faithfulness

Things may change but You remain

So if You’re for us what could stand against…”

Through the first years I had CFS/ME, when I was scared, confused and unsure what was happening, God broke through and revealed His goodness. During the many hours I had to rest He had revealed His goodness in every situation, even the difficult ones.

As I sang, these truths penetrated deeper. I realised, “Yes! I can always stand on the rock that is Christ.” We all can. Even though things changed significantly for me six years ago, He is faithful. He is always there and always will be.

Even when times were tough

But then, in spring life suddenly went bleughhhhh…! It was a period of huge emotional upheval to say the least…

I was out for a walk in the park one afternoon feeling unsettled after a work coaching session. And then what can only be described as a bullet train of emotions from the last 20 years of my life hit all at once. I only just managed to get home before collapsing in a heap for the evening. And feelings continued to bombard a while before eventually subsiding.

Think of an emotion. Any emotion. And I can pretty much guarantee I felt it that night!

I now know it happened because I’d been talking about past life events – good and bad – with my work coach. But once the fog had cleared I realised, “This is a new beginning!” I’d released a huge burden, now felt I could breathe again and was ready to get on with life. “Whatever happens next I’ll be OK because you are with me Lord”(Deut 31:8).

Little did I know what was coming. Roll on mid-June…

By this stage in coaching I knew I needed emotional healing from something specific before I could move forward. The general stuff had gone and now it was all about the nitty-gritty of specifics.

Thank God for the Hope and Healing event at my church where two people prayed with me for healing from a specific past trauma and…


At least not immediately.

Later that night I experienced the deepest, most guttural purging of something from within. I’ve never felt anything like it. You’ve heard the phrase, “a weeping and gnashing of teeth?” It definitely seemed like I’d been to hell and back.

But a couple of days later I felt lighter. Cleansed. And I still do 😊

And what kept me going during those difficult months? I kept repeating and singing these words:

“I am convinced that nothing has the power

To separate me from Your love

Your faithful love…”

Presumably inspired by the words from Romans 8:35-39.

The past had hit me so forcefully I had to clasp onto these verses so tightly as a reminder that whatever has happened God still loves me. And He always will.

He is my Lord and my Saviour!

Although my emotions continued to ‘leak’ a while following Hope and Healing, that’s now completely gone. I had an amazing summer and have been set free to pursue employment wholeheartedly. God has done the impossible and I now have a job!

I continue to trust that He’ll do more – including total healing from CFS/ME and climbing physical mountains again. And my faith is much deeper compared with a year ago. Praise God!

Your new beginning with the God of the impossible?

So what about you?

I hope my story has helped you see that when you know God you are an overcomer. Things may not always happen in the way you’d like or even think God will do it, but He transforms even the most difficult of situations (e.g. Is 43:19).

At these times, remember:

  • God is always good even if it doesn’t feel that way – praising Him can help you realise this truth and motivate you to keep going
  • He is God of the impossible – so you can be confident He will come through for you, whether it’s how you think He will or not
  • Nothing can separate you from His love – whatever happens or whatever you may have done He loves you more than you can imagine

I pray this year brings a new beginning for you.

God bless xx


Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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