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Man looking up at the night skyAt this time of year I love walking under a clear night sky. Just one look up at the great dark yonder peppered with twinkling lights, and you can’t fail to feel awe. It’s a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder and it’s good for you.

Since 2003 research from the University of California, Berkley, has shown it can induce the release of the hormone oxytocin. And this helps reduce anxiety, stress and depression. Awe can also decrease pain and improve digestion as well as boost your generosity.

Yes really!

The increased sense of oneness with your surroundings can make you feel smaller, humbler, and provide a greater sense of perspective on life. There’s a big God out there who made all of this, yet He cares and looks after us individually too:

“When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers- the moon and the stars you have set in place- what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us?” – Psalm 8:3-4 (NLT)

And the good thing is, all you need to do to feel awe is look up!

Why not decide purposefully to step outside and appreciate the sky next time there’s a clear, starry night? Or on an evening with a breathtaking supermoon pop out for a walk and observe. Clear your mind, gaze up and just be with the expanse of the sky:

  • You could prepare first with God’s Word and be ready to praise Him (for inspiration check the Bible verses at the end). Or take it as it comes and see how He leads you as you experience His Creation.
  • You can do it alone or with others but do try and take in everything around you. Look at the colours and movements, the textures, sounds and sensations as you talk with your Heavenly Father. You’ll be surprised how much you can ‘see’ in the dark.

I’d love to hear about your night-sky experiences. What have you observed? Have you been particularly moved by anything or have you been inspired to try something new? Do share in the comments below.

Happy star-gazing and God bless⭐

Bible verses:

  • Job 9:9-10
  • Job 22:12
  • Genesis 1:14-19
  • Genesis 15: 5
  • Genesis 22:15-18
  • Genesis 26:3-4
  • Isaiah 40:26
  • Daniel 12:3
  • Amos 5:8
  • Psalm 19:1-4
  • Psalm 33:6
  • Psalm 136:7-9
  • Psalm 147:1, 4-5
  • Psalm 148:1-6

Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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