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God the artist: people skiing making patterns in the snow

“Thou takest the pen – and the lines dance.

Thou takest the flute – and the notes shimmer.

Thou takest the brush – and the colours sing.

So all things have meaning and beauty in that space beyond time where Thou art.

How, then, can I hold anything back from Thee?”

– Dag Hammerskjold –


Everything God makes is a masterpiece. What could be ordinary He makes astounding. What could be mundane He makes marvellous. Including us (Eph 2:10).

Skiing is just one activity I love where I’ve really felt God’s presence. Flying down the piste with the wind in my hair, imagining I’m soaring to the heights with Him (Is 40:31).

But have you ever tried synchronised skiing? It’s a delightful pastime where you dance down the slopes with a whole army of friends…

We were waiting at the top. Our leader shouted, “Go!” And we moved in harmony as we heard the calls of, “Turn. Turn. Turn…”

Weaving and twisting among one another, snow spraying in all directions, glinting in the sun, we formed beautiful patterns on the piste.

What joy! What freedom! And together we’d created a masterpiece in the snow.

God had picked us up and together we’d danced. It’s a great picture of how the body of Christ at it’s best can move in harmony to create a flowing whole, doing the perfect will of God with joy.

Lord you are good. You are the master artist. When we walk with you, you transform our creations into your perfect Creation. Thank you for letting us dance with you and may we move together in harmony continuing to paint the masterpiece of life. Amen.

Have you ever experienced a state of flow with other people? What ordinary things has God taken in your life and transformed into something extraordinary? Please do comment below 👇🏼


Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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