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Susans psalms - 2 people on a hill looking at the viewAfter a recent trip to Cardiff and the Malverns I felt so alive. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to engage with life in quite the way I did then. But being out in His Creation, feeling His presence, having fun with the kids, was so reviving. Freedom…

Oh to be free. Swinging higher and higher. The wind blowing through my hair.

What a reminder of you, Lord. You’re always here; in Creation, in the breeze.

I can feel you as I fly through the air. Playing on a swing.

Your Holy Spirit blows; He guides me to new and better things, helps me overcome.

Could I have done this a year ago? Could I have swung with all my might and gone higher than everyone else?


You are good, Lord. You answer my prayers.


Your Creation inspires me. Being out with the kids. Running free among the hills. Striding along a ridge. The views are amazing. There’s a different perspective from up here.

We spot cows, or are they ants? See clouds shape-shifting and floating across the sky. The fields are lush after all the rain – an expanse of green melting into the horizon.

And I remember you.

Your perspective is higher than mine. Bigger than anything I can concieve. Thank you for this small taste of it, Lord. When I feel insignificant, unable to do anything, I remember you. I fix my eyes on what you can see.

My challenges are tiny and with you I can deal with it all. Lord, I have dealt with much because you are by my side.


Sitting. Ice cream in hand. The sun warm upon my face. Children chatter and adults talk. But oh, huge dark clouds are rolling in…

I remember you again. You’re the light shining in the darkness. Even though black billows pile up and threaten to engulf me, there’s always hope.

You’re my anchor in the storm. My solid rock amid the chaos. You have helped me dance again. And I know I’ll yet leap up those mountains…

“I’ll sing because you are good. And I’ll dance because you are good, And I’ll shout because you are good. You are good to meeeeeeee.”*

Praise you Lord. Praise your Creation.

I love you Lord.

That was my experience but how have you experienced Creation recently? How does nature refresh your soul? Do comment below 👇🏼

*To sing along with me check out this link:


Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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