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Healing power of creation: green leaves

When everything feels rubbish how can you change things? Sometimes you just have to get outside and experience the healing power of Creation. Even when it’s hard. Especially when it’s hard…

Urgh, my head. It’s so full. Too much to think through and nobody cares. Where is everyone when I need them?

Pacing, up and down, one room to another. I’ll just check the washing’s dried, look out of the window. Again.

Can’t sit, can’t concentrate, can’t settle… Because nobody’s interested, no-one cares. But I need to talk things through.

Just go outside, it’s beautifully sunny, you’ll feel better. 

Nope. Too much to think about and my emotions are running high. Because nobody cares. No-one is listening.




Ok. I’m on my way. Walking. Feeling the warm breeze,  filling my lungs with wonderful air.

But this is just temporary, taking my mind off things. And oh, I’ve such a lot to sort out. But nobody cares. No-one is interested.


The sun feels amazing, so warm on my skin. Thank you for the sun, Lord.

The breeze is so friendly, so gentle. Like you Lord. And you are with me even when others are not. I shall find a quiet spot and tell you all about it.

Here’s my favourite seat at the edge of the green. A place where I feel part of life without having to be energetic. Where I can watch the world go by but still be in the midst of things.

But oh, I’m not really part of it, Lord. Where are all my friends when I need them? Why can’t I get off my backside and just call them?

Because I feel abandoned.


The breeze comes again. The leaves rustle. It’s still summer but the first signs of autumn are here. Crinkly leaves float gently to the ground – just one or two – ready for me to crunch!

Change always comes. As nature’s seasons turn so will my life. Change is on the horizon; I can call someone and ask for help, go visit and have a chat.

As you care for nature you care for me too.


I look up at the sky; there’s not a cloud in sight.

Blue sky thinking; it’s a world of possibilities, I must not be constrained by feelings. I ask for your power Lord, to do something despite how I feel…

…so sad that no-one responded when I reached out,

…angry that those who love me have disappeared,

…I don’t trust them right now.

So how to overcome this, Lord?


Let’s walk again.

Faster… faster.. faster. Arms swinging wildly, the wind spurs me on. It feels soooo good.

I can do this. I can do this. Who to call? When’s the right time?

Faster… faster.. faster. Who… who… who…?

Aaaaaand splat! I need a rest.

Phew! Peace comes.

I sit a while, contemplating: thank you Jesus, I now know, I have my next step. You are good Lord.

I can do it in your strength… and things will change.

And you know what? Things did change. Thank goodness I was able to take that first step outside. To go where I knew God would get through to me, despite feeling it was impossible.

The wonderful healing power of Creation!

Have you experienced positive change while outside or by enjoying some aspect of His Creation? Do share in the comments 👇🏼 As the season changes, and it’s easier to feel gloomy, let’s encourage one another.

God bless xx


Hi I’m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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