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The human body: person putting plaster on fingerThe human body is amazing and I am truly thankful for it!

I don’t know if you’ve ever stopped to think about it. But if you have, you’ll realise that processes we normally take for granted (because we’re busy living in our bodies) are phenomenal.

Take our bones for example. Recently my dad had a hip replacement. This involves cutting through flesh to reach the hip and chopping out some of the old bits of bone. Then new, man-made joint components are inserted and stuck in the right place. Finally the flesh is stapled back together. Butchery at its best!

Yet the same day as the operation Dad was on his feet! The next day he could walk and come home. 36 hours after that he went out for a ‘proper’ walk – albeit very slowly and not far at all.

But wow! Just wow! That’s evidence of a good designer if ever I saw one.

Even minor things like a grazed knee could be a problem without excellent design. As soon as there’s a drop of blood our bodies start producing clotting agents and healing begins. Imagine if you didn’t have this capacity.* Blood could keep leaking from your body, you’d risk infection, and with large wounds you could bleed to death.

So next time you cut yourself, be thankful to God for your amazing body. Even if the immediate situation is scary, painful or inconvenient there’s always something positive to focus on. And this will help you deal with it better.

Let’s remember God in the every day. He is good ๐Ÿ˜

[*Note: A minority of people don’t have enough blood clotting agents (a condition known as haemophilia) resulting in serious complications. I don’t believe this is what God wants for anyone and is likely an effect of living in a fallen world. But that’s a conversation for another day…]

Hi Iโ€™m Susan. Creator of CreationLifeAdventure. Here to help you thrive and grow. For more of my writing just click on my name

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